Congress participation

1.    Authors:                      A. Samadi, I.M .Morera and M.A. Miranda.
Title:                            Pyrylium salts-Photosensitized Oxidative Damage to Linoleic Acid, Histidine  and Thymidine
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                   8th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology
Place of celebration:   Granada, (España), September 3-8, 1999.

2.                                                                           Authors:          A. Samadi, Luis A. Martínez, M.A. Miranda  and I.M. Morera
Title:                           Linoleic acid peroxidation sensitized by diaryl ketones
Participation:              Oral  Comunication
Congress:                   XI Journees Franco-Espagnoles de Chimie Organique.
Place of celebration:   Mèze (Francia), june 4-9, 2000

3.                Authors:                L. A. Martínez, A. Samadi, M. A. Miranda and I. Morera
Title:                            Photosensitized production of linoleic acid hydroperoxides by diaryl ketones
Participation:              Poster
Place of celebration: Dresden, (Alemania), july, 2000

4.                Authors:                A. Samadi, L. A. Martínez, F. Boscá, I. M. Morera and M. A. Miranda
Title:                           Sterioselective photoreduction of chiral benzophenone derivatives.
Participation:              Oral Communication
Congress:                   5° Congreso of photochemistry
Place of celebration: Torremolinos. (Málaga-España)., april 1-4. 2001

5.                                                                           Authors:          I. M. Morera. A. Samadi, L. A. Martínez, F. Boscá and M. A.  Miranda
Title:                            Time-resolved and product studies on the stereoselectivity of type I reaction of linoleic acid model compounds photosensitized by drugs.
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                   9th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology
Place of celebration:   Lillehammer, (Norway)., September, 3-8, 2001

6.                Authors:                Andreu I., Samadi A., Ferreri C., Dellonte S., Chatgilialoglu C.
Title:                           Cis Trans Isomerization of Oils:  Creation of the Trans Lipid Library
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                   European Yong Investigator Conference,
Place of celebration:   Slubice (Polond)., may 7-11, 2003


7.    Authors:                      Samadi A.,  Ferreri C., and Chatgilialoglu C.
Title:                            Formation of trans polyunsaturated fatty acids: The photochemical approach
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                   VI Congreso de fotoquímica
Place of celebration:   Santiago de Compostela, (España)., septembre 18-20, 2003


8.                                                                           Authors:          Francisco Boscá, Abdelouahid Samadi, Inmaculada Andreu, Isabel M. Morera y Miguel A. Miranda
Title:                            Stereoselectivity in the abstraction of allylic hydrogen by benzophenone derivatives
Participation:              Oral Comunication
Congress:                   VI Photochemistry Congress
Place of celebration:   Santiago de Compostela, (España)., septembre 18-20, 2003


9.                                                                           Authors:          Eva Mª Muñoz , Jason N. Martin, Caroline Schwergold, Virginie Vicente, Juan Luis Asensio, Jesús Jiménez Barbero, Javier Cañada , Florance Souard, Samadi Abdelouahid and Cristina Vicent
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                   6th International Meeting on Recognition Studies in Nucleic Acids
Place of celebration:   Tapton Hall, University of Sheffield, UK., April 4-8, 2004

10.                Authors:                Dellonte S., Andreu I., Chatgilialoglu C., Ferreri C., Samadi A.
Title:                           Tandem Radical-Enzymatic Approach for the Trans Lipid Library
Participation:                          Poster
Congress:        9th International Symposium on Organic Free Radicals (ISOFR 9),
Place of celebration:   Porto-Vecchio, Corsica – Francia., June 6-11, 2004


11.    Authors:                      Florence Souard, Eva Mª Muñoz , Jason N. Martin, Caroline Schwergold, Virginie Vicente, Juan Luis Asensio, Jesús Jiménez Barbero, Javier Cañada , Samadi Abdelouahid and Cristina Vicent          
Title:                            Carbohydrate based DNA ligands: Sugar-oligoamides as a tool to study carbohydrate-nucleic acid interactions
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                   II Bienal de RMN, GERMN RSEQ,
Place of celebration:   Santiago de Compostela, España. September 19-22, 2004


12.    Authors:                      D. Anagnostopoulos, C. Chatgilialoglu, C. Ferreri, A. Samadi and A. Siafaka-Kapadai
Title:                            Synthesis of all-trans PUFAs and congeners. Study of their biological activity
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                   1st Greek Lipid Forum.
Place of celebration:   Athens, Greece. June 8-9, 2005

13.                                                                           Authors:          Abdelouahid Samadi and Cristina Vicent.
Title:                            DNA-sugar-oligoamide binding by Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Participation:              Oral
Congress:                   European Project – CARBONA - Meeting
Place of celebration:   Universita de Parma, Italy, 4-8, Abril 2005.

14.                                                                           Authors:          C. Badia, P. Peñalver, A. Samadi, F. Souard, J. L. Asensio, J. Jiménez-Barbero, F. J. Cañada and C. Vicent.
Title:                            Carbohydrate – DNA binding: towards the molecular bases of the interaction.
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    6th Italian-Spanish Symposium on Organic Chemistry
Place of celebration:   Taormina, Italy. July 14th-17 th, 2006


15.    Authors:                    P. Peñalver, A. Samadi, P. Bosch, C. A. Hunter and C. Vicent.
Title:                            Fluorescence studies to the understanding of sugar-oligoamide – DNA binding.
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                   6th Italian-Spanish Symposium on Organic Chemistry
Place of celebration:   Taormina, Italy. July 14th-17 th, 2006


16.    Authors:                    P. Peñalver, C. Badía, A. Samadi, P. Bosch, C. A. Hunter, J. Jiménez-Barbero, P. Noheda and C. Vicent.
Title:                           A neutral DNA selective vector for interaction studies
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                   2nd European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences
Place of celebration:   Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław, Wroclaw (Poland). September 4-8, 2007,


17.    Authors :                   Peñalver, P.; Badía, C.; del Villar, R.; Herrero, D.; Samadi, A.; Bosch, P.; Hunter, C. A.; Jiménez J.; Noheda, P.; Vicent C.
Title:                            A neutral DNA selective vector for interaction studies: carbohidrate-DNA binding.
Participation:                         Poster
Congress:                    2nd EUCHEMS CHEMISTRY CONGRESS
Place of celebration:   Lingotto Conference Centre, Turin (Italy) September 16–20,  2008


18.    Authors:                    De los Ríos C, León R, Romero A, Samadi A, Bartolini M, Huertas, Barril X, López B, Marco Contelles JL, Andrisano V, Luque FJ, Rodríguez Franco MI, López MG y Villarroya M.
Title:                            Tacripyrines, multipotent drugs for Alzheimer's disease. Effect of chirality on the pharmacological activity
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    I Escuela de Verano de la SEQT “Desarrollo de Nuevos Fármacos”
Place of celebration:   Toledo, Spain. 5-8, July 2009

19.    Authors:                    Romero A, de los Ríos C, León R, Samadi A, Marco-Contelles J, López MG, García AG, Villarroya M
Title:                            The ITH12122, a multipotent tacripyrine for the Alzheimer's disease
Participation:               Poster
Congress:                     XVIII Pharmacologists Meeting of the Community of Madrid.
Place of celebration:   Madrid, Spain. 10, July 2009

20.    Authors:                    Inmaculada Andreu, Enrique Rico, Abdelouahid Samadi, Isabel M. Morera, Miguel A. Miranda, Dmytro Neshchadin, Markus Griesser, and Georg Gescheidt
Title:                            Benzophenone-diene systems as models for the photogeneration of caged radical pairs
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    ICP2009. XXIV International Conference on Photochemistry.
Place of celebration:   Toledo, Spain. 19 – 24, July 2009


21.    Authors:                    Markus Griesser, Dmytro Neshchadin, Georg Gescheidt, Inmaculada Andreu, Enrique Rico, Abdelouahid Samadi, Isabel M. Morera and Miguel A. Miranda
Title:                            Photoreaction of benzophenone with dienes – insight with CIDNP
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    ORGANIC FREE RADICALS – OTTAWA (OFRO)
Place of celebration:   Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 26-30 July 2009


22.    Authors: :                  A. Samadi, J. Marco-Contelles, R. León, C. de los Ríos, M. Bartolini, V. Andrisano,c F. J. Luque, M. G. López, M. Villarroya, y A. G. García
Title:                            TACRIPYRINES: Synthesis, molecular modeling, resolution of racemates, and pharmacological study
Participation:              Oral Communication
Congress:                    GENXXX.        Annual Meeting of the Spanish Group of Neurotransmission and Neuroprotection
Place of celebration:   Santo Domingo de Silos (Burgos), Spain. Diciembre  9-11, 2009


23.    Authors:                    Maria do Carmo Carreiras
Co-authors:                 Marco-Contelles, F. Javier Luque, R. Leon, A. Samadi
Title:                            Tacripyrines, the First Tacrine-Dihydropyridine Hybrids, as Multitarget-Directed Ligands for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
Participation:              Plenary Lecture
Congress:                    BIOCHEMISTRY and MEDICAL CHEMISTRY: BIOMEDCH'10
Place of celebration:   Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2010

24.    Authors:                    A. Stasiak, M. Unzeta, A. Samadi, J.L. Marco, W. A. Fogel.
Title:                            Isn’tHistamine a unique amine?.
Participation:              Plenary Lecture
Congress:                    European Histamine Research Society, XXXIX meeting.
Place of celebration:   Durham, England, 13th-16th July 2010

25.    Authors:                    Daniel Silva, Abdelouahid Samadi, Lourdes Infantes, Maria do Carmo Carreira and José Marco-Contelles
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    2nd NATIONAL MEETING ON MEDICINAL of CHEMISTRY.
Place of celebration:    Coimbra, Portugal, Novembre 28-30, 2010

26.    Authors:                    Daniel Silva, Abdelouahid Samadi, Mourad Chioua, Maria do Carmo Carreiras, José Marco-Contelles
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    2nd NATIONAL MEETING ON MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY.
Place of celebration:   Coimbra, Portugal, Novembre 28-30, 2010

27.    Authors:                    Carla Martins, Daniel Silva, Eduarda Mendes, M. Carmo Carreiras, Mourad Chioua,  María-Luisa Jimeno, Rafael León, Cristóbal de los Ríos,  Manuela Bartolini, Vincenza Andrisano, Alejandro Romero, Abdelouahid Samadi, Mercedes Villarroya, Manuela G. López, and José Marco-Contelles.
Title:                            Multipotent Drugs with Cholinergic and Neuroprotective Properties for the Treatment of Alzheimer`s and Neuronal Vascular Diseases. III. Synthesis and Biological Assessment of Diversely Substituted Pyrazolo[3,4-b]quinoline, Benzo[b]pyrazolo[4,3-g][1,8]naphthyridine, Furo[2,3-b]quinolin-4-amine, and Pyrrolo[2,3-b]quinolin-4-amine Derivatives, as Novel Tacrines Analogues.
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    Internacional Alzheimer,
Place of celebration:   Barcelona, Spain, March 9-13, 2011

28- Authors:                    Irene Bolea, Alejandro Gella, Abdelouhaid Samadi, José Luis Marco and Mercedes Unzeta
Title:                            New multipotent dual inhibitors of MAO and AChE/BuChE as promising molecules for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    The 10th International Conference on Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Diseases, AD/PD
Place of celebration:   Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona (CCIB), Rambla Prim, 1-17, Barcelona Spain, 9-13 March, 2011

29. Authors:                     A. Stasiak, M. Mussur, M. Unzeta, A. Samadi, J.L. Marco, W. A. Fogel.
Title:                            Effects of monoamine system directed multitarget drug on rat brain amine transmitters and on cognitive functions in rat model of vascular dementia.
Participation:              Oral presentation
Congress:                    40th Annual Meeting of the European Histamine Research Society of Place of celebration:                                     Sochi, Russia, 11-14 May 2011

30. Authors:                     Irene Bolea, Alejandro Gella, Abdelouhaid Samadi, Cristobal de los Rios, Jose Luis Marco and Mercedes Unzeta
Title:                            New propargylamine- and donepezilderived compounds as multitarget agents for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    XXXIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Bioquimica y Biología Molecular.
Place of celebration:   Barcelona, Spain, 05-08 September 2011

31.Authors:                      Irene Bolea, Alejandro Gella, Abdelouhaid Samadi, Jordi Juárez, Javier  Luque, José Luis Marco and Mercedes Unzeta
Title:                            ASS234, a promising multi-target directed-ligand for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    Congreso Internacional de Alzheimer,
Place of celebration:   Madrid, Spain, 22-23 September 2011

32. Authors:                     Mourad Chioua, David Sucunza, Elena Soriano, Dimitra Hadjipavlou-Litina, Alberto Alcázar, Irene Ayuso, María Jesús Oset-Gasque, María Pilar González, Leticia Monjas, María Isabel Rodríguez-Franco, Abdelouahid Samadi, and José Marco-Contelles
Title:                            a-Aryl-N-alkyl Nitrones, as Potential Agents for Stroke Treatment: Synthesis, Theoretical Calculations, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Neuroprotective and Brain-Blood Barrier Permeability Properties
Participation:              Oral
Congress:                    GEN32, Grupo Español de Neurotransmisión y Neuroprotección
Place of celebration:   Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil, Spain, 14-17 December 2011

33. Authors:                     Bolea Tomas I., Gella A. , Samadi A., Marco J.L. & Unzeta M
Title:                            The new multi-target directed ligand ASS234 reduces Aß fibrillogenesis and protects neuroblastoma cells from Aß-induced toxicity
Participation:              Poster
Place of celebration:   Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 July 2012

34. Authors:                     Mercedes Unzeta, Alejandro Gella, Abdelouahid Samadi, José Luis Marco and Irene Bolea
Title:                            The new multi-target directed ligand ASS234 protects neuroblastoma cells from Aβ-induced toxicity and reduces Aβ fibrillogenesis
Participation:              Oral
Congress:                    15th Amine Oxidase Congress 2012
Place of celebration:   Toulouse, France, 15-18 July 2012

35. Authors:                     Bolea Tomas I., Gella A. , Samadi A., Marco J.L. & Unzeta M
Title:                            The new multi-target directed ligand ASS234 reduces Aß fibrillogenesis and protects neuroblastoma cells from Aß-induced toxicity
Participation:              Oral
Congress:                    8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, International Convention Center (CCIB).
Place of celebration:   Barcelona, Spain, 14-18 July 2012

36. Authors:                     M. Unzeta, A. Gella, A. Samadi, J.L. Marco & I. Bolea Tomas.
Title:                            Biological evaluation of novel multipotent molecules (mtdl) derived from donepezil and pf 9601n designed for the therapeutic use In alhzeimer´s disease
Participation:              Oral
Congress:                    XIV Conference: Biogenic Amines and Related Biologically Active Compounds
Place of celebration:   Lodz, Poland, 25-27 October 2012

37. Authors:                     R. Herrero-Labrador, A.P. Fernández, J. Serrano, A. Samadi, I. Bolea, M. Unzeta, J. Marco-Contelles, R. Martínez-Murill
Participation:              Poster
Congress:                    15º Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad  Española de NeuroCiencia
Place of celebration:   Oviedo, Spain, 25-27 Septembre 2013

38. Authors:                     Daniel Silva, Mourad Chioua, Abdelouahid Samadi, Paula Agostinho, Pedro García, Rocio Lajarin-Cuesta, Cristobal de los Rios, Isabel Iriepa, Ignacio Moraleda, Laura Gonzalez- Lafuente, Eduarda Mendes, Concepcion Pérez, Maria Isabel Rodriguez-Franco, José Marco-Contelles, and M. Carmo Carreiras.
Title:                            Synthesis, pharmacologi-cal assessment and molecular modeling of acetylcol-inesterase/butyrylcholinesterase inhibors: effect against amyloid-beta - induced neurotoxicity.
Participation:              Oral
Congress:                    CM1103 Action conference: Interdisciplinary Chemical Approaches for Neuropathology and 4th Neuroscience Day @ University of Malta.
Place of celebration:   Valletta, Malta, 22-25 October 2013