Research project:

10.1-  As participant researcher

1. Title:                        Reactivity of triazoloazoles and triazoloazines. Study of the action on calcium channels benzylisoquinolinic structural analogs of alkaloids.

Funding Organization:      DGICYT
Period:                   From: 1995                     to: 1998
Principal Investigator:        Belén Abarca González

2. Title:                        Carbohydrate based ligands for nucleic acids recognition.

Funding Organization:    UE, HPRN-CT-2002-00190
Period:                   From: Marzo 2002          to: Marzo 2005
Principal Investigator:        Cristina Vicent

3. Title:                        A multidisciplinary approach to chemistry and molecular recognition of carbohydrates. Studies on the synthesis, structure and conformation of carbohydrates and analogues and their interactions with biomolecules

Funding Organization:    DGES, BQU2003-03550-C03-02
Period:                   From: Octubre de 2003                      to: Septiembre de 2006
Principal Investigator:        Cristina Vicent

4. Title:                        Cycloisomerization of Enyne Catalyzed by Transition Metals and Complexes: Synthesis of a-amino acid skeleton of bicyclo [3.1.0] hexane.
Funding:                Weeks (2); Travel (2). Diets: 90 Euros/day.
Period:                   From: January, 2008              to: December, 2009   
Principal Investigator:   Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)

5. Title:                        Design and synthesis of new molecules multipotent for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Funding Organization:      (SAF2006-08764-C02-01) (MEC)
Funding:                72600 Euros
Period:                   From: 01-10-2006                  to: 30-09-2009           
Principal Investigator:   Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)

6. Title:                        New therapeutic agents for the treatment of the Alzheimer's disease.

Funding Organization: AECI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) [Program (PCI_ Mediterranean)] (A/7492/07).
Funding:                 13800 Euros
Period:                    From: 15-01-2008                 to: 15-01-2009
Principal Investigator:   Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)

7. Title:                        Design, synthesis and development of neuroprotective drugs for Alzheimer type dementia and vascular.
Funding Organization:      Support for undertaking program of I+D between research groups of CAM in Biosciences (P-2006/SAL-0275) (ITH-CM) (Community of Madrid).
Funding:                 823000 Euros
Period:                    From: January, 2007              to: January, 2011       
Principal Investigator:       Antonio García García (UAM, Fac. Medicina)
Project Leader:       Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)

8. Title:                        Nuevos análogos de epibatidina como posibles agonistas nicotínicos con potencialidad terapéutica en la enfermedad de Alzheimer.

Funding Organization:           MIXED COMMISSION CSIC/Uiversity of Costa Rica (2008CR0004).
Funding:                     2009 (15 days 1 travel). 2010 (15 days, 1 travel). Additional Funding total: 3.400 Euros               
DURACIÓN  DESDE: From: 1st January, 2009          to: 31December 2010
Principal Investigator:       Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)

2- As an applicant and researcher

1. Title:                        Structure, Conformation, Dynamics and Molecular Recognition of Carbohydrates. A structural vision using NMR.

Funding Organization:    CTQ2006-10874-C02-02
Funding:                90000 €
Period:                   From: Noviembre 2006            to: noviembre 2009   
Principal Investigator:  Cristina Vicent

2. Title:                        Neurovascular Research Thematic Network “RENEVAS”

Funding Organization:      Institute of Health Carlos III, Ministry of Health
Funding:                 30000 Euros / years
Period:                    From: 01/2008    to:  12/2010
Principal Investigator:  José Castillo (Fac. Medicina, USC)
Group Leader:        Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)

3. Title:                        Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of new neuroprotective propargylamines for the treatment of the Alzheimer’s disease, [SAF2009-07271 (Sub-Programa NEF)] 

Funding Organization:      MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION,      
Funding:                 94380 Euros
Period:                    From:  01/01/2010    to:  31/12/2012
Principal Investigator:   Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)

4. Title:                        Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of new compounds for the treatment of the Alzheimer’s disease. (A1/035457/11)          

Funding Organization:      AECI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) [Program (PCI_Mediterranean)]. MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION
Funding:                 26190 Euros (Capítulo 4)// 22000 Euros (Capítulo 7) = 48190 Euros
Period:                    From:  01/01/2012    to:  31/12/2012
Principal Investigator:   Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)

5. Title:                        Structure-based drug design for diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases: Dissecting and modulating complex function in the monoaminergic systems of the brain. (CM1103; oc-2010-2-8526).

Funding Organization:  COST CHEMISTRY GROUP- UE (ref. CM1103)
Period:                    From 28/11/2011    to:  27/11/2014
Principal Investigator:       Rona Ramsay (University of St Andrews, St Andrews, KY16 9ST,  UK)
Principal Investigator in Spain:   Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)

6. Title:                        Nuevas moléculas multipotentes basadas en donepecilo con capacidad para interaccionar con los sistemas monoaminérgico, y colinérgico, y secuestrar metales pesados, para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer
Funding Organization:  MINECO [SAF2012-33304 (Sub-Programa NEF)]
Funding:                 90000 Euros
Period:                    From 01/01/2013    to:  31/01/2015

Principal Investigator:       Dr. José Luis Marco Contelles (CSIC)